Lala Raščić, umetnica, performerka, kuharica

Gost četrte Jugosfere je interdisciplinarna umetnica in performerka Lala Raščič, ki živi in ustvarja med Zagrebom, Sarajevom in New Oreansom, trenutno pa je na rezidenci v Ljubljani.

Fast, high-quality translations in over 30 languages

We offer comprehensive translation services for all types of texts and legal documents and guarantee quality, expertise and accuracy at a reasonable price for work in all European and world languages.

Affordable translations for the Yugoslavian languages

High-quality translations of texts in the Yugoslavian languages are available at the low, flat rate of €15 per page! Our localization services for Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and Montenegrin are even more affordable – 50% of our standard rate for Yugoslavian

Certified translations, delivered fast

We guarantee same-day service for shorter certified translations and for single-language certified translations of longer texts. We also offer assistance and advice on obtaining the proper legal documents.


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